Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Know your Azkals: James Younghusband's six secrets

James Younghusband looks like your quintessential good boy with a smile that never seems to go away. He’s also very reserved and shy, the opposite of his extroverted brother Phil. Now James talks a little bit more than usual and shares six things that people don’t know about him.

James can be aggressive, but only on the pitch

When James has his game face on, you better get out of his way. He’s not afraid to tackle, or get tackled for that matter.

“If you don’t bend the rules, you won’t get far," he says.

Well “bending the rules" has gotten him three red cards to date – first was when he kicked someone with his knee; another was an accidental headbutt; while the last one was just a “silly foul" during a game here in Davao.

Off the pitch, he remains the shy Jimbo we know, so it’s wise to initiate conversation when you first meet him.


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